Monday, November 5, 2007

Lazarus 0.9.24 tagged

This afternoon I tagged Lazarus 0.9.24. The coming days we will build all the windows installers, rpms, debs and dmgs for the suported OS-es and CPU's.

As part of the release testing, I created an ubuntu lazarus-testing repository at Currently it still contains Lazarus 0.9.22 and FPC 2.0.4, but as soon as the Lazarus 0.9.24 and debs are ready they will be put there, until the Lazarus 0.9.24 release can be announced. After the announcement, they will be available in the lazarus-stable repository too. For more information about how to get debs from the Lazarus testing repostitory, see the wiki.

Please, let us know if you have problems using the testing repository and during the upgrade from 0.9.22 to 0.9.24.